Christmas is coming…and other random thoughts

Well, it’s official…Christmas is almost here! *Que the crazy mom life shenanigans. It’s been about 3 weeks, give or take, since we started homeschooling again. Mayber it’s closer to 2 weeks? Honestly, who knows anymore. We’ve fallen back into the homeschool pattern of never really knowing what day it is. Throw in the Christmas season/holidayContinue reading “Christmas is coming…and other random thoughts”

Life and Updates….

Well, it has been some time, hasn’t it? I guess that kind of thing happens when you make drastic life changes and your whole world turns upside down. Long story short: Shortly after my curriculum picks post, and after A LOT of prayer, we made the life altering and very hard decision to put ourContinue reading “Life and Updates….”

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