Life and Updates….

Well, it has been some time, hasn’t it?

I guess that kind of thing happens when you make drastic life changes and your whole world turns upside down.

Long story short:

Shortly after my curriculum picks post, and after A LOT of prayer, we made the life altering and very hard decision to put our kiddos in public school. It was both freeing and heartbreaking. I couldn’t have pictured our life as a “normal” family. But here we are.

Last school year (despite catching covid and the growing pains of adjusting to someone else’s time frames) was overall, a very pleasant experience. The kids learned a ton, played sports, made friends and grew as tiny human beings. We actually placed homeschooling on the “never going to happen again” shelf. BUT life….am I right?

About a month ago, seemingly out of nowhere, homeschooling was placed on my heart again. Not necessarily because of any bad experiences, just a whole lot of little things that began adding up. I miss homeschooling, the kids miss homeschooling, the husband misses homeschooling. You get the point. As a family, we miss the whole lifestyle…

Which brings us to the present.

The question is no longer if we should homeschool again, but when.

We really don’t want to uproot the tiny humans again by pulling them out less than halfway through the year, but we also don’t know if we want to wait until next school year to begin either. Decisions, decisions. Being a grown-up is hard, you guys. Just when you think you have everything figured out, life throws curveballs. I do know, however, that Jesus will guide our next steps and carry us.

Lately, I feel the calling to begin homeschooling in January more and more. It would give the littles time to process and prepare for the upcoming transition back into homeschooling and time for them to deschool a bit during the Christmas Vacation. New year, new lifestyle, ya feel me?

I have spent the last few weeks researching (it’s what I do) curriculum and ALL the things homeschooly. We still have so many resources to pull from that we collected over the 4 years we had homeschooled prior. So many things, like, a lot of things. More things than I’d care to admit to having. We did get rid of a lot, but I also held on to so much “just in case”. I’m glad I did, because here we are.

There is plenty more to this story, or journey, if you will. All of which I’ll be sure to continue writing about. I have no doubt that I will dive deeper into the year and a half that we took off while the kids were in public school. Who knows, it might turn out to be a full 2 years in public school. Literally at this point, only God knows. Either way, I’ll be sure to keep updating and sharing this never-ending journey of life, motherhood, schooling and ALL the other things.


We are NOW homeschooling and we couldn’t be more excited!☺️

More to come soon enough!

Published by marissa.alysse

Wife & Mama. Believer. Homemaker. Homeschooler. Coffee Drinker. Creator. Book hoarder. Music enthusiast. Dances randomly. Lover of Yoga & Pilates. PA born & raised.

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