Hello Winter

My, my, my…it has been awhile.

I have never been one to be consistent. I try, but it always escapes me. I suppose it may be a character flaw. I’m filled with those.

So much has happened since November. The holidays have come and gone and we’ve entered the seemingly long, cold winter. I have had a million swirling thoughts that I desired to write about, just never got around to it. Funny thing about thoughts, mine come and go so quickly. Rapid fire, then poof…gone.

I’ve recently switched gears, or I could say, switched back to a more Charlotte Mason approach to our homeschool days. Lots of living books, Bible study and focus, morning time with art, music, poetry. The only thing we’re truly missing is the outdoor time. I’m the cause of that, I really do dislike being cold, and well… Pennsylvania winter can be a tad unpredictable. There hasn’t been much snow, and that is just about the only thing that can draw me outside in the middle of January next to unseasonably warm, delightful sunny days.

Not to say we haven’t had the chance to get out at all…we have, just not on a daily basis. Character flaw, remember? Terribly inconsistent.

We have acquired quite a few new things for our days, including the prettiest tea I ever did see.

I’ll be sure to try and keep this more updated. Even if it is just for myself.

Big Love.

Published by marissa.alysse

Wife & Mama. Believer. Homemaker. Homeschooler. Coffee Drinker. Creator. Book hoarder. Music enthusiast. Dances randomly. Lover of Yoga & Pilates. PA born & raised.

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